Friche Studio
Friche presents 380:1 an educational installation aiming to raise awareness around air pollution, climate change and deforestation by displaying 380 sapling trees, signifying the number of adults trees required to absorb the CO2 consumption of one person in one year.
A recent paper in the journal Atmospheric Environment found that whilst trees absorb pollutants well in open spaces, low hedges are actually more efficient at catching exhaust fumes from cars. With this in mind we have chosen to use hornbeam, Carpinus betulus, a native British tree, and celebrate the versatility of the species’ ability to be grown as a standard or
a trained hedge.
During the festival we will present a programme of talks on
the politics of Ecology in Urban Planning, performance by cheerleaders against climate change and practical and poetic design workshops to think about devices and strategies to tackle air pollution.
After the festival, the trees are being planted by
Trees for Cities a charity creating tree programmes around London. The 380 trees will be planted as a hedge at Sutcliffe Park in South London on the 13th of January 2018.
We would like to thank all our supporters, sponsors and participants for the trust they have put in this project.
We want to thank Coin Street for inviting us to present this installation, the GLA and Ecosia for supporting the production, Martin Speed for providing transport and everyone who contributed to our Go Fund Me campaign. We would like to thank guest speakers and artists involved for their time and energy and the brilliant work they are conducting.

16th September- TTTTTTREEEEEES!
Talk-3-5 pm Free Entry
Join Nikola Maksimovic from Ecosia, Seb Austin from Trees for Cities
and Edwin Malinsfrom the Wildlife Trust to discuss their work and learn
why trees are our best allies in fighting air pollution and climate change.
17th September-“Polluted Selfie” by David Colombini
Workshop 2-5pm Free Entry-
Drop in David Colombini will present ‘Polluted Selfie’ his latest project
researching air quality. You will learn how to use a pollution sensor and how to make sense of the different pollutant data (CO2, PM, CO, O3), you will be recording with the device.
20th September- 6.30-9pm- Performance at 7pm
‘Cheerleading is the next stage of action on the destruction of the sea
and climate change’.
23rd September-
The Politics of Ecology in Urban Planning
Talk-3-5 pm Free Entry
Join Katherine Drayson from the GL and Gyorgyi Galik from Future Cities
to discuss strategies implemented in urban planning to fight air pollution
and climate change.
24th September- Air Pollution as Evolution
Chih Chiu & Ivy Lang
Workshop 2-5 pm Free Entry- Drop in-
How does air pollution boost human evolution, social and political reformation,
civilisation reinterpretation, and technological innovation?