Anu Agency has been invited to respond to the vibrational relationship between plants and their consumers. It is known certain plant species ‘hear’ caterpillars chewing on their leaves. This elicits the production of a substance the caterpillar finds obnoxious. We interpret this as a feedback loop and as evidence of sentience and communication at all levels of organic life. Cultures indigenous to forests and who live amongst plants see themselves as part of the ecosystem they inhabit rather than separate from it; a relational exchange that encompasses all lifeforms. We intend to use this as a model to present a series of events for reciprocal
nourishment between visitors to Diaspore, ourselves and guest artists and performers.
Events will be held within a spatial design that resonates with ideas of participation and regeneration. The woad plant, used since the iron age for medicine, dyes and magic is the key to this plant related environment we are creating. Woad plants contain high levels of glucobrassicin. They produce extra large quantities when their leaves are damaged, especiall by pests who are repelled by the strong concentration of the chemical. This compound has been found to prevent cancer and reduce tumours, Woad is anti viral, antibiotic, anti inflammatory and astringent, it can be used to dress and disinfect wounds. When cut it grows back stronger. In ancient times it was associated with the planet Saturn and the magical practice of shapeshifting.
Here woad is used in a visual rhythm as a dye and represented symbolically to promote discourse, interaction and meditation. For Anu Agency this will be the site of embodied practices. It will inform the beginning of a network of research across varied disciplines.

Anu Agency is an artist-led agency for sustainable design;
a collaboration between artists Keira Greene and Rebecca James. Anu is motivated by a desire for a new critical and integrative approach to design. Anu Agency is an exploration in materials, sub-culture sensual response and a tactile relationship to our surroundings. They consider that the processof designing an environment is intrinsic to the final outcome
Ist Feb 6.30 - 9pm
Anu Agency Opening Event-
James and Michael Knight AKA JNR Knight and K.I.T.T. will take us on an audio and visuals journey 'from ambient nothingness to early heartbeat'-
10th Feb 6.30 - 9pm
Tarot Reading evening with sigil making workshop with The Magic Men - Mike Salter, Mark Couzens and Jamie George .
11th Feb 10.30am - 3.30pm
The Informal Library.
A hangout day with books and texts connected to the theme of communication and interaction with plants. Aromatherapy will be part of this experience.
11th Feb - 4pm
Tea Ceremony with Kat Bumbul, first session.
11th Feb - 6.30pm
Tea Ceremony with Kat Bumbul, second session.
25th Feb 7.30pm
Gong Bath with Kat Bumbul.
A transportive sound experience.
28th Feb 7-9.30 pm
Residency Closing event with live performance
by Susannah Stark and Heather McCalden.